This winter has been a strange one as far as mother nature is concerned. I have come to expect slipping and sliding into my drive way at night. On certain nights not being able to even make it up the road I live on. All of these things plus a below average temperature have made me realize that I love under armour, neck warmers, and toboggans... (proper clothing is essential for survival). so imagine my surprise when I checked the not always so smart, smart phone this morning and saw a high of 45*... Steamy I know. I was so excited to hear about something above 30. that I didn't think about all the rain/snow/sleet we have had around here. Needless to say I looked like a swamp creature post barn today, but I only had to wear a fleece!!! (so while I will not complain to much about the mud.. my apt would appreciate it if it weren't so muddy out!) so on to those ponies!
Mr. North just gets better every day! The left lead is not just something I dream about these days! Due to the non frozen ground situation. the horses even got to leave the indoor! (positively earth shattering.) Morris is looking FANTASTIC post holiday, and is so excited to get to run XC soon. He even started counting down the days until Pine Top. (Check out Mr. M's spring plan, we hope to see you there!)The ponies are all in the process of being primped for their trips down south. I think they are tired of seeing me with a pulling comb, or clippers in hand. (alas this is not something that they will stop seeing anytime soon!)
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